2 tablets half an hour before lunch, and 2 tablets half an hour before dinner, with plenty of water.


Nopalin (Opuntia streptacantha) special dry extract, Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) dry extract, Green tea dry extract, Guarana (Paullinia cupana) dry extract.

XOBALIN FORTE is a food supplement that is very useful for the maintaining of correct body weight. Nopalin is a herbal active ingredient which slows the absorbing of nutritive elements.

It is suggested in case of:

• Weight increase
• Nervous hunger
• Tiredness
• Difficulty in respecting a diet


central office:

 No. 25, 6 St., 14 St,

khaled slamboli (vozara) Ave, Tehran, Iran

phone (90 lines) : 0098(21) 2774

Fax: 0098(21)-2774 - 6